Contact: Diane DiSalvo: 863-937-7100
PURPOSE: To further the spiritual welfare of women in the Parish
REQUIREMENTS: A willing spirit to assist with fund raisers, church functions and community services. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month, September through June
HELPFUL TALENTS: None required. Though no talents are required, we need commission chairs for the new term and someone to help put together our newsletter which runs from September through May for each term.
What is the Council of Catholic Women?
The mission of the National Council of Catholic Women is to "act through its affiliated organizations to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. CCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world."
Our Council is divided into six commissions: Church, Community, Organization, International, Legislation and Family.
We are involved in our parish, local, national and even international concerns. In the 2014-2015 term, our CCW worked to get pictures of our parish families and have a pictorial directory made. Several of us visited the school of the African Benedictine Sisters of St. Agnes often, to help with their special-needs clients in reading, using music and crafts and active motions, along with social interaction and refreshments. We raised $1700 to go towards a smart TV for the Parish Hall to help with Faith Formation and other groups; also raised over $700 for the homeless that went to the Home for Women in Winter Haven, established by Catholic Charities through the FCCW program Hugs for the Homeless. Internationally, we have sponsored a little girl from Guatemala for the last four years through CFCA and donated shoes for the sister diocese that were brought to the ODCCW Convention. This year, SJNCCW was recognized for our Service project with the “Blue Nuns’ Angels” and from all the affiliations, Catherine Messina was recognized by the Orlando Diocesan Council of Catholic Women for the Esteemed Life Member Award. These are just some of the things that our council accomplished this year.
Click the images below to view the CCW newsletter for each month